something about a quiz she took at ..haha "which grey's anatomy lady is most likely you"..she was addison! haha scary!
so i took it too...result:
You're callie
you are very direct and sometimes that is a bit much for people

infairness every statement is true and i like callie in the story.. haha and i see a lot of similarities with her! although i slightly know her pain with george..tsk
i also saw a desperate housewives quiz, so i took..and i knew it, i was going to be..
you always mean well, but somehow things don't always work out as

i wasn't surprised because i can see some of me in Susan..but scared too that I DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE HER, the life she had, the roller coaster love life and how many men she had gone through..most of all, i don't want to be stupid-fool for love (like what happened to her with karl)
yes, i may tumble but with grace and always end up smiling! haha
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