i don't know if this movie would only prove me right, but from what i've seen - somehow, it did.
every time i am happy or there's just too much laughs and smiles for me for a day, i'm scared that by the end of the day or the day after, something would always turn my wheels and make the previous day, opposite of how i felt. and hate it more because i believe in the saying, "what you resist, persists" exactly what i am doing, all the time. i've talked this out with a friend and she said that i should always be positive and i'd quote from her, "never pangunahan ang mangyayare"..
she has a point, i tried..and still trying. but still scares me all the time. anyway my point is, just like in the movie..there were atleast 4 major kind of love that was relayed to the viewers..the sad part is, the true-wonderful-unending love was the love that has to end in earthly life. in the story they were the most happy couple, so in love couple, so idealistic, so romeo-juliet kind of love..but ironic enough..it was the love that has to end, the love that gave more pain than any heartache a person could ever feel.
and that's what scares me most. i'm scared that one day i would be so happy, contented, and stable in my life then one day - a great big wind would only blow it away. i am scared of happy endings and fairytale like stories, because since i was a child i know they're only fictional stories trapped in colorful pages and balloon gowns, with a knight and a white horse waiting.
but i hope one day, i can be happy for a day and not worry for the following day or week..i'm trying..=) better late, than never! and from what i've learned and realized..that it doesn't hurt to try and to take risks..it may only lead into two paths, the one that worked out or the one that wouldn't..but in the end, we learn from it and just charge it to experience.
and one quote that for sure would help me in anything i'd encounter for til-i-don't-know-when.."you can't hold someone's love against them"..and i believe. plain and simple. message is conveyed. although it is not easy to apply it (based on experience) but through time everything gets better. i know one day we'll just wake up and can say that we're happy for our own life and for others too, with a genuine-no fake smile. for sure it doesn't come in beautiful packages, or with a wonderful background music..but it will come.
here are some of the quotes from the movie:
"try focusing on simple pleasure...small treasures"
"but the end is always right there in the beginning"
"jump, jump with your eyes open"
"you can't hold someone's love against them"
"God doesnt hate us, Harry..if he did He wouldn't make our hearts so brave"
"the unexpected is always upon us"
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