22 years and still counting...thank you Lord! =)
everytime people would ask me how "young" i am..i feel awkward saying 22, feels old! haha i don't want to get older but wiser, yes why not! :)
on the day of my birthday, papa asked me when i got home from work, how old am i..i said 22. then he said, "oh kala ko 21 ka plang" then he stared outside the door (screen ng pinto, so kalye at puno nakikita) for at least a minute. hahaha cheesy, but it was an "awwww" moment for me to see him like that, because i know he felt that time will come when he has to let go of me and that i'm getting older, the baby is now a lady (not literally lady, coz i'm far from being one)! hahaha
20 years, are well spent in my comfort zone..no big worries, i have my friends around me - one dial away or one text away.. i have my close relatives around me (esp.my cousin, ate rhea and my brother)..people in our home would start the celebration from morning til night..hehe my ate's would prepare some of my favorite breakfast meals (sunny side up, tocino, am, or even spag in the morning..hahaha) then in the afternoon after school - merienda time, we would have spag either white or red sauce..then dinner, small dinner celebration out (for the past 3 years i guess, oma! haha walang kasawa sawa)
2 years, spent in another country, that i guess i can never call home. anyway, last year i tried to be happy. i still tried to make my day worthwhile, fake smiles, fake laughs, and wore a happy mask! but of course i was still thankful to God for that year. and i would never forget, on the day of my bday, i cried in my room (room i was using in my bro's house) because i wasn't happy. drama! hehe
o well, but this year, this year..it was different. i got my rhythm back, though it was just me and my rents, it was a time/day well spent. i cooked for them then heard mass after. then sunday night, i gave them and myself a treat at todai, eat all u can jap food. great laughs, food, stories, and corny jokes. haha
sooner, i know i'd get used to this kind of lifestyle, i'm not good with changes - i need time, but i know i'm getting there.
just last night it daunt on me that one day i'd be in my ideal age with ideal dreams and ideal life, the scary part is, will it happen and would i be stable and ready by that time for real life, more real than this! hmmmmm
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