when can a person say that he/she found love?
when you learned how to sacrifice, even your pride?
when you learned how to be contented?
when you knew how it feels to truly love and be in love like a High School girl?
when you suddenly had an emotional breakdown because you miss the person or you just wanted to cry for either happiness or sadness?
when you already have someone and yet you still long a specific person in your life?
when you can still say "i love him/her" even if he/she hurts you (physically, emotionally, or mentally)?
when you stand and fight against all odds just for the sake of saving the relationship?
when you hear one thing and see another, yet you still believe in whatever that person tells you to believe?
when you love someone even if it seems like it's never gonna happen with that person, you still waited and tried endlessly to get that person?
you can never dictate what the mind tells the heart to feel. even if you try to stop it from growing, it will always have it's own way of moving you, either forward or a step back. no matter how many times you confide to your friends, you never follow them or even try what they suggest, because you know how bittersweet it feels being in that relationship. even if you know it would always sting, yet you still seek and crave for the truth that you'll never find. and even if you've constantly resisted on love to fill you in, even if you ran out of reasons - you'll always have the truth within you.
when you love, you'd always be a fool for someone. a fool, who left someone for somebody else. a fool who is and was cheated on is still holding on and making things work. a fool who completely trusts his/her partner even without seeing each other. a fool who can be considered a battered gf/bf and yet can still manage to say that person is his/her happiness. a fool who knows the person he/she loves, loves someone else. a fool who'll always and forever be considered a 3rd party - winner. a fool who gave everything for the sake of the relationship. a fool who got knocked up and believed it was made out of love. a fool who remains in a relationship not because he/she loves the current, simply because he/she is afraid to accept reality. a fool who loves someone and still longs for someone else. a fool who believes in fairy tales and happily ever after. a fool who blames love for putting a spell on him/her. and simply a fool, who's fool for love.
but after all the said and done, we can't ignore how harsh reality can be. what matters most is how you love and loved. whether you were true or just a facade - you'd always be measured by how great, how true, how big, how sincere you love/loved someone in your lifetime. it wouldn't kill you to love and be true to yourself and to your someone but, it would hurt both ways if you would always think of yourself.
never say something unless you mean it and ironic enough but even if you do mean it, try not to say it if it will only hurt. never keep someone else's hope up so high, because it would hurt like hell to fall flat on the floor. don't knock on someone's door unless you're whole heartedly willing to come in. jump and take risk, if it's worth it.
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