Saturday, August 18, 2007

random shoot!

i've been cooking a lot lately and thank God everyone likes everything i cooked! haha well they're surprised because they rarely see me cooking at home (pinas) but i'm always in the kitchen talking to my ate's..hehe well i like talking to them and help them around, especially when there's a need of chopping veggies..haha well here, everything is already chopped and peeled so quite boring! haha

well i think i learned just by looking, smelling, and tasting my ate's foods..i was always the taste tester? hehe

we're all joking around here that i got promoted from assistant chef to being the chief chef! haha and mama was demoted..hahaha


nicole told me something about celebrity duets and hayden is part of it (the MC prom king)..haha i don't know if we should be proud about his "success" because in a way we're all acquaintances..haha

we really need to talk to pam! hahaha


i'm getting my dream phone 7610..haha i know its an old model and A LOT of new nokia series were out in the past 4 years..haha but i've been eyeing on this phone for YEARS..hahaha and i think i'm going to be satisfied with it for a LONG TIME..hahaha

i'm going to buy it on ebay for a cheap price and its brand new! papa lend me 2/3 of the money to buy it..haha "payable when able" hahaha

but i'm a bit sad because i've talked about this with someone and hopefully we'd get our dream phone together..hehehe

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